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  • Writer's pictureAthena Nair

More Resources...

Here are some more miscellaneous resources I thought of:

  1. Get trained to be a Body Positive facilitator with! Elizabeth and Connie (co-founders) started me on this whole journey. They offer an incredible curriculum that will give you concrete tools to develop balanced, joyful self-care and a loving relationship with your body.

  2. Follow me on Instagram, @_colourful_beauty, and message me anytime–I'd be happy to talk through questions or resources or suggestions.

  3. Listen to Christy Harrison's podcast, FoodPsych, and if you're financially able, complete her course on intuitive eating.

  4. Talk to your friends and family about this. Diet culture surrounds us everywhere, and it's a tough culture to be in, especially for marginalized identities. Know you're not alone, and encourage others to join you in the body positive movement if you have the capacity to.

  5. I've heard great things about the TV show Shrill on Hulu, which is based on Lindy West's book. I haven't watched it myself, so I can't fully endorse it, but give it a try.

  6. If you don't want to get weighed at the doctor, you don't have to. You can say, "I don't want to be weighed." I've had some practitioners give me a hard time about it, and if they don't budge, I've simply said "You can make a guess; I just don't want to be weighed and it's not an important part of my health." I haven't weighed myself in a year now, and it's liberating. I now rely on important, clear cues such as hunger, fatigue, energy levels, anxiety levels, mood, soreness, body temperature, blood test results, blood pressure, etc.

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